Coronavirus construction update

It is crazy how much can change in a week

As the Coronavirus pandemic is sweeping across the country and world, it is crazy to see the affect it is having on everyone's lives.  Living in rural Idaho, I would have never imagined that Governor Little would issue a state-wide stay-at-home order, but on Wednesday, that is exactly what happened.  So, for at least the next 21 days, we will all be rolling up our sleeves and doing what we can to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Luckily for us, construction has been listed in the state mandate as an essential service, so for now we will keep the doors open, with some changes to how we normally do things.  Our safety meeting lately have dealt with the importance of hand washing, maintaining 6' distance form co-workers, and keeping crew sizes small.  We are like everyone else, hoping that this will come to and end as soon as possible.  

We would like to thank the health care providers for everything they are doing, as well as the grocery store and food service industry.  I shop locally at Stokes, and am impressed by the measures they are taking to help slow the spread.